Saturday, June 22, 2013

Legs forged in Dante's hibachi

I strategically align my workout week to have legs land on Saturday, in hopes of maximizing gym time. In addition, there is little worry that a leg machine will be heavily populated. This leg day was no different! If you ever wont to see a knuckle dragging cro-magnom blue screen with an error message, just do a leg workout in front of them. Yet I pressed forward.
To provide a point of reference, here is the assigned leg workout for phase five of hypertrophy (key points redacted per the legal department):
     5x10 box jumps using a 30" box
     5x12 single leg box jumps using a 12" box
     5x5 single leg standing hamstring curls
     5x:45 second wall sits with 45lbs over head

As I stood in front of the 30" (76.2cm) obelisk my imagination ran wild with day dreams of shin shaving face plants. The first round required a slight skip to my Lou my darling and hop to the apex two and one half feet above the ground. Once the confidence was up, rounds two through five went off without a hitch. The fun was just beginning after that little hip-hop set. Single leg box jumps are similar to drinking a Red Bull, running a 2000 yard dash at Usain Bolt speed, and then poor man pogo sticking up two flights of stairs. Four times. I now have proof that the human nostril cavity has sweat glands. Taking Young Jeezy's phrase, "making it rain" to a whole new lexicon.

It was my goal to report on the rest of the sets, but that will have to wait until next week... I finished the balance of the workout in a walking lactic acid comma. Note to self: driving under the influence of lactic acid could be hazardous to my health.   

1 comment:

  1. This round's leg day is 100% "dunk by 38" focused. Fun, it ain't. Effective? Damn well hope so. My reputation is on the line as much as ole JT's. I love the mental image of sweaty nostrils! Or more appropriately, kinda repulsed by it. One leg box jumps suck! You'll likely never feel so uncoordinated as trying to jump (and balance) on your "off leg". Generally right leg for right handed people. Muscular balance and control are crucial for vertical leap. I'm now looking forward to the reaction to back day. Could be rough...
