I had three weeks to bridge the remaining 2:50. The only way Jaron could imagine me gaining nearly three minutes would be to add timed wall sits each week, and increase them by :30 seconds each week and then consider animal sacrifices if all else fails. Unfortunately for me it took five days to recover from each weeks' leg workout. From the test set until today, I attempted four timed wall sits. The last one came this past week; squeaking out a gut busting 4:00. Have you ever enjoyed the scene in Great Outdoors when Chet Ripley realizes he still has to down the gristle to complete the Old 96er challenge? That's what the prospect of 4:01 to 5:00 looked like to me. Unfortunately for me, I ain't getting no Paul Bunyan hats.

So today, after a four-hour stint at Wet'n Wild I put in the mouth piece, cranked up the MGMT, and hit go on the stop watch. However, unlike my preparation runs, I forgot my lifting gloves. Being a superstitious workout understudy, I panicked. Then my phone dropped off my leg causing me to lean down, exerting extra energy. But I was not going to turn this into another "6-minute mile" debacle. Three minutes in I began shaking like... (insert your favorite socialite rehabbing detox cliché here). Then galactic time stopped at 4:09. Had death shuttled me to the other side? Nope, my full body quivers had just caused the lap timer to trigger. 4:20... 4:21... 4... Holy hell I'm going to pass out!!! Why is St. Vincent crawling up my leg in a NASCAR uniform? THE COFFIN IS CLOSING!
At the five minute and seven seconds mark I slid to the floor in pain and anonymous glory.
Holy hell! My instincts told me ole JT was certifiable for attempting this challenge when first broached some 2-3 months ago. I secretly hoped he had forgotten about it. I can picture that classic footage of the triathlete devoid of all muscular faculty mere feet from the finish line. Like someone slipped some ether in their last Dixie cup of agua. This is how I picture Jarvis staggering to his car this afternoon like the village drunkard in some early Irish novel. May need to add hand throttle and brake controls on the Nissan to the wish list, now that the standing loo is installed. Now that he actually accomplished this feat, there'll be no living with him. I've created a monster. God help his family! I'm literally afraid to see what he'll come up with for his next challenge. Intervention may be in order.