Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Who fired Atlas?

Failure is always an option. A very real possibility with disturbingly high probability. With no known human or marsupial to ever fully realize ODJ, failure must be respected. Failure is the nauseating cold sweats before quitting a job. Failure is the thousand yard stare after a near ELE with a semi-truck. Failure is why NASCAR is a multi-billion dollar cottage industry. Failure is always an option. But a wise man once stepped toward failure and cried out; "Pain heals...Chicks dig scars... Glory last forever!"      --Achieving ODJ

Hopefully the IOC has no plans to ban carisoprodol, or my 2014 Olympic curling debut may be in jeopardy. My lower back is longing for the days of bocce ball and shuffle board on the lido deck. However, for the time being, I am the willful servant to the prodigal son of pain. Jaron has written a great back & arms work out. That is, if you're looking to go on long term disability. Last week my arms would not fully flex, making for a few awkward client hand shakes. Visualize two forklift arms with meat gloves extended outward. One person actually shook both my hands at the same time and asked if it was a Southerner thing. I am lost.

Unable to fully disclose his proprietary workout, I feel it is within contractual language to speak on the weighted underhand pull-ups. Ten pounds is fo'real! As Taylor likes to say, "Its miserable and magical!"

Post Script
If anyone has the below phone number, I apologize. This is what butt dialing on the narrow grip cable rows looks like; 11119999922222*********111199999922222*******


1 comment:

  1. I almost wet myself picturing some west coaster trying to rationalize shaking both of your hands as a "southern thing"! Oh the havoc back and bicep day may reign. Chicks do dig scars. Why is that? I think it's some sort of unresolved daddy issues. Not that I have ever taken advantage of such unrealized tendencies... Pain, as it were, is a necessary evil. Without it progress would be unattainable. So, as it stands, I fully embrace the role of pain giver. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, actually. So, bring the pain, and embrace it. Cause it ain't going away any time in the forseeable future. This stage is long, and modifications will be made along the way. Case in point, I learned (by reading this blog) that ole JT is only using 10 pounds on his pullups! This is unacceptable woman work in this man's eyes. Upping the weight is part of next weeks assignment. And the week after, and the week after, and the week after...
