Friday, August 7, 2009

Naked Burrito Bowl

On my quest to reach 195 pounds in 16 weeks, I have come to the realization that certain foods have to be attacked from a different angle. For example, the Chicken Queso Burrito from Q’doba is just bad news for anyone dieting. A head on assault with this 3 pound monster of chicken and spicy cheese sauce will only result in broken promises and moral divides. The only successful route is to hide in its blind spot, off its flanks and take out all known defenses – eliminate the tortilla!

The naked burrito bowl option has saved my life, that and grinding my teeth to nubs as I say “Ugh! Hold the queso please.” Prior to life changing decisions and a lovely maternity dress for the loser in 13 weeks; naked burritos were for Nancy boys. Once considered the cheerleaders pep rallying for the gridiron masters of the gastrointestinal artist battling for supremacy. Well I say now, get off my palm-palms and GO-FIGHT-WIN you sultans of the 3 pound Chicken Queso Burrito… Hold the wrap and I’ll take extra corn salsa ma’am!

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