Thursday, August 6, 2009

Comfort Food

This weight loss journey is best compared to Cannonball Run; a lot of hype out of the gate in Los Angles and then a dang long time before New York. Well I’m in what can only be classified by Miss P. Hilton, “the fly over states” of my journey. Knowing that success will only come if I allow for some comfort food here or there… Unlike my over the top 90 day ultra-restrictive diet on P90X, I’m living by moderation on this jaunt. That’s where the likes of Panda Express come in.

I have to admit, eating orange chicken is so sweet that mid day blues just melt away. That is until I’m trenching the bottom of the Styrofoam carry-out container and my stomach begins to rumble. It’s my belief that Anglo-Chinese is the beer-goggles of the food world. As I sit here trying to type, the intestinal track is walking off the job, protesting my rationalization that a bender of comfort food is worth the hang over.

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