Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Don’t Meet over Meat on Mondays!

Ever since I came across the disturbingly fascinating HBO documentary, I AM AN ANIMAL: THE STORY OF INGRID NEWKIRK AND PETA, I have been a closet PETA fan. Unlike my friend Sandy, who is a pure vegan, for what I assume fits into the PETA mission of no animal consumption for human gain… my hypocrisy will only allow me to support their work against puppy mills, furrieries, and things associate with clothing. Unfortunately, 33 years of meat-n-potatoes, elbows off the table, you better eat that because there are starving children in Africa make up has kept me from being able to divorce the whole sale corporate farm industry. But as she does every time, whether on television or the radio, Ingrid challenged me to do something I believe is possible. I have agreed to go meatless one day a week.

As it stands, my “Don’t Meet over Meat on Mondays!” is merely a nod to those diehard members who can remove animal consumption for industrial purposes and dinning delights and live a life on cellulose. Mondays will be a bumper sticker on my subconscious ’69 VW telling those who do it for real, I’m just a tourist.

1 comment:

  1. Jarvis, Don't Do it man!!! Meat tastes better on Mondays than any other day of the week, you gotta trust me on this. I mean, shouldn't you trust a man with a physique like mine?
