Not being a man of strong math skills I had to consult the mystical portal known as Google to find out what fractional meant. Some nice math teacher in the great homeland probably attempted to educate me on fractional numbering, but I was more a PE and lunch type of student in those wonder years. The oracle of all things information stated that a fractional numbering of 20 is: 20-19-18-17-etc. That would be 20 pushups, rest :30 seconds, then 19 pushups, rest :30 seconds, so-on and so-forth until I've hit 1. If your playing along at home, that is 210 pushups in less than 30 minutes.
This morning at 6:00 a.m. I lined up a stop watch and got going on my "20! PUSHUPS" challenge. 25 minutes later I finished the challenge... To make sure I wasn't just on an adrenalin high from getting down to the last 3, 2, and 1, I busted out another 20 to grow on. It felt great to leave the gym without a brain aneurysm, no spaghetti arms, or violent convulsions. With the dawn morning sun to my back and the great Spring Mountains to my bow, I recalled another text Jaron sent me as we set up this challenge. "If you want to get stupid," short-hand for challenging yourself to the limits of your ability, "you should go back up." That would be 420 pushups in less than an hour... WTFreak!!!
So next month, somewhere around week 13, I'm going to accomplish the "20! Valley of Death" pushup challeng. In honor of Jaron's fallen comrade, this workout was dedicated to Sydney.
In fairness, my math skills have faded, like my brain cells due to callous misuse of distilled malted grain products, and I WAS merely trying to call my 50 free time coming out if retirement. But, not eager to try to back it up, I scrambled and came up with a "fictional" math equation, which through the miracle/debacle of of predictive typing these days came out as "fractional", a real thing, who knew?! When this whole thing began, I gave JT a 20% chance of getting past 13 before needing to switch to depends. The fact that he seems to have Bitch slapped it without incident just speaks volumes about how far he's come in basically two months. Having done this "20! Valley of Death" before, without the cool moniker, I can vouch for its "stupidness". I've said it before, and I'll say it again, beware boys and girls, despite all the generally accepted scientific research suggesting the opposite...working out makes you dumber! And ole JT is heavyin' it up.
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify... "The Valley of Death" challenge is starting at 20, going down, then back up to 20.