Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week Seven & Eight: War of Attrition

Sometimes a goose egg in the pounds lost column is a major win.

Going into week seven I knew there would be a major pause for the cause at the end of that week; a minor medical procedure. The doctor said to ensure the healing process I should avoid working out for five days. Uggh!

From September 21 until September 27 I had to rely on my diet to keep on task. During that period of five days there were a few spot-on 1800 calorie days, but there were also two 2400 calorie days too. This was not my first rodeo on having mid-season work stoppages during a trip down to the sub-200s. Unlike the other times though, I know my workout plan would need to be sharp and dialed-in coming off of the five day lock out. The first day back was only to test the waters... literally! I swam a nice 3000 meter long course work out, but knew my body needed me to ease back on the crazy hard stuff. The weight work outs were solid, which gave me the confidence to run the 20 minutes needed for each of the three remaining strength days of week eight.

With the weekly weigh in a zero loss, I was very happy that my mind took it as a win.

Weekly weigh in: 211.8
Lbs dropped this week: 0.0
To hit 195: 16.8
Weeks to go: 8

1 comment:

  1. Even with a zero net loss week, I'm gonna get my hat handed to me in this challenge! Though, it would probably come as no surprise to the 3 or so people reading this, that I always intended to lose this bet, much like ole' JT losin' this weight. I could have easily sabotaged the whole project..."whole butter actually gets a bad rap, it's full of nutrients and good cholesterol; put it on everything!"...or the like. Truth be told, much as clients depend on their trainers to hold them accountable, was gonna lose that weight last year... I needed this challenge to hold me to my desire to make it out to Vegas for at least 2 Rebel games this season! Had that desire last year... For the three of you who are reading this, pray for Jarvis! For this fateful Saturday morning, he undertakes the dreaded week 8 challenge: 20! PUSHUPS
