All in all this was the least amount of cardio I have done since beginning the journey; 60 minutes in total. When taking into account for my regular swimming workouts (4-5 per week) and my 20 minutes on the treadmill every strength day, I am regularly doing seven to eight hours of cardio per week. I knew Jovi's birth would pose an obstacle for Destination 1995, which could only be managed by the number of calories ingested during each hospital day. Looking over the stats from MyFitnessPal, I consumed roughly 2000-2150 calories during the three days we were their. With that said, my weigh in today came as a surprise; down a pound!
Now that I'm approaching the 20 pound mark, which I expect to be hit by week seven's "20! push ups"... Google what the "!" means if you're not a math tech. People are asking me what I'm doing to lose this weight. It is a simple answer every time; burn more, eat less! Of course the conversation gets more detailed with questions on types of food, calorie counting, work out schedule and mix of exercises. However, in the end, it is very easy... limit the calories of crap sucked down the ole pie hole, get your heart rate rocking for twenty or thirty minutes three or four times a week, and enjoy natures greatest combination -- H2O.
Weekly weigh in: 214.5
Lbs dropped this week: 1.0
To hit 195: 19.5
Weeks to go: 12
Congratulations on baby 3.0! Nice job avoiding a slip during a chaotic week. That's what life will throw at you. At least you knew this would be happening. Often it's the unexpected hiccups life sends your way that derail a program most. It's great to hear you're getting positive feedback on your progress. You'll be glad to have 20 less pounds on your frame when having to press it up 210 times in 30 minutes for the week 7 challenge! Start peppering some pushups into your normal chest/tri day in anticipation. And just a clarification, Uncle Krause don't babysit! (not that anyone in their right mind would ask...)