Dropping twenty pounds in the fifth official week of this journey is a huge milestone for me. It's great to fit into clothing that has been a pipe dream for so long. Its great to have the wife say, "DAAAMN! You be looking good honey!" when I take off my shirt. Its great to have a wealth of energy to pull from when my sweet pea Jovi Ann wakes me up at 3:00am and I'm scheduled to leave for the pool at 4:00am. To maximize the energy that is on reserve I have also been living and dying by the plan Krause set in motion six weeks ago. From the simple five to six meals per day to the exact weights and running I'm going to do per week have afforded me the luxury of not having to think about what needs to be done...
Shut the brain off and just follow the plan!

Krause lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, which is roughly a six hour drive from Las Vegas, (4-1/2 if you want to roll the 100mph dice on I-15). When he is discussing work-out options with prospective clients, he uses this analogy for the fence sitters: Let's race to Nelson, Nevada (a small desert town on the banks of Lake Mojave) from your house along the Salt Lake valley. We'll see who gets there first. But you can't use GPS, Google Maps, or any kind of map. That is what I was doing ever time I set out on my journey toward Destination 195. No freaking GPS! Without a plan that weight goal might as well been a needle buried behind Nelson's abandoned service station, and my metal detector's batteries are dead.
Here is what I have been doing for the past five weeks (minus the week my dear baby girl was born) to drop the weight. Remember this is just the stretching of the rubber band, the actual long term life change happens January 1st for six to nine months as my internal set point truly becomes 195.
1800 calorie meal plan
Breakfast~ Smoothie or cereal
3-hour snack ~ orange or nuts and raisins
Lunch ~ 6 inch Subway chicken or Club
3-hour snack ~ fruit
Dinner ~ grilled chicken, brown rice and veggies
*I attempt to not eat after 7:30, which is 3 hours before I sleep
*Tons of ice water
Work out plan
MWF ~ 1 hour swim (3200 - 3400 yards)
T&R ~ 1.5 hour swim (4000 - 5300 yards)
4x per week
Weights and 20 minute run
I tell people all the time what you are experiencing right now: it's easy on paper, the plan will work if you put your head down and follow it. it's the execution that causes many to struggle. The Nelson analogy is a favorite of mine. There are probably some people who have lived their whole life less than an hour drive from this town of 6? residents who don't know it exists. Knowledge is king!