Sunday, January 12, 2014

One man's routine is another man's rut

I have come to accept that Body By Krause is a fluctuating sliding scale of muscle misery that is designed to keep me from truly enjoying work out routines. I get a nice rut carved into life's road map and the puppet master pulls the rug out from under me like that psycho brunette yanking the ball away just as Charlie Brown attempts to kick the football . It's a pretty simple process; new phase full of pain and suffering turns to just pain and then gradually becomes easy. Then bam! New set of work outs come over the wire and the pain-suffering cycle regenerates. I should serious consider abandoning my honesty for some lower moral accounting. Unfortunately Krause has just designed the weapon that will kill both of us... This phase is STUUUUPID!!!
I accept full responsibility for taking a nutritional break during our three week Christmas/BCS Bowl Championship vacation, which is why a circuit set makes complete since to carve pounds. Just not this type of depraved Guantanamo Bay circus. I'm going to leave the color commentary to the architect of this chaos.

3 rounds of :60 seconds on :30 seconds rest
Prison squats
20lbs dumbbell swings - alternate arms
   *rest 3 minutes*
3 rounds of :60 seconds on :30 seconds rest
Linebacker squats
Simulate jump rope
Speed skaters

Machine overhead press - 50-30lbs
Military pushups
40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 (total of 180 reps each)
 *rest 3 minutes*
alternate 5 sets of 10 reps
Pec Flys
Bench dips

alternate 3 rounds
Reverse pushups (15)
Bent over straight bar rows (15)
French bar 21's - 30lbs
 *rest 3 minutes*
alternate 3 rounds
Weight assisted pull ups wide grip (20)
Resistance band bicep curls (30)

Post script:
This weeks stats... truth in reporting!
JBK: 193.4 & 17.1
Me: 222.0 & 20.1


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm retarded. Seems I get a narcissistic kick out of writing these depraved work outs for Ole JT before coming to the realization that I must perform them along with him. As stated, this round is STOOPID. Transcription of the yet undisclosed NSA closed file between blog handler and subject, "My hammies are piano strings", "My ass is on fire". Good times. The holidays have been unkind to both of us, in very different ways, but with like consequences. I'm not big on the traditional holiday transgressions. Don't do family, not a Christian. No turkey and stuffing for this guy. I do, however, enjoy a long day of wine and football, and a season's worth of spiked eggnog. One of my favorite euphemisms is "just when I thought I was in a groove, I found out I was in a rut". Jarvis's routine is a rut. I threw down the gauntlet this week. I required JT to "friend" me on myfitnesspal. Now I can keep tabs on his adherence to his nutrition plan. I'm happy to report he has logged in every day since! Numbers don't lie, and they've been down right truthful recently! This week, between the devil circuits and the accountability of monitored nutrition, maybe...just maybe, Ole JT can get back to week one stats.
