Saturday, November 16, 2013

I am the mine.

In the mid-1990s a pharaoh size Colorado mine operation stopped production. The Environmental Protection Agency informed the owners that the closure of the mine would result in hundreds of millions of dollars in clean up fines. For nearly two decades the mine stayed open with a few guys sitting at desks to keep the mine "open" so the company did not have to cough up the funds. I am the mine!

Krause had another week of weight lose while I did my best impression of World War I attrition. Thank goodness we built in a little clause that the winner can not collect on the challenge until the loser drops his total twenty pounds. At this rate I will be executing diabolical plan code named "second place is first loser if and only if I'm the loser, at which time I will not cross the finish line." Full transparency requires proper weekly reporting.

Krause: 196.3 (4.7 total loss) & 18.1%
Me: 219.0 (2.0 total loss) & 19.3%

My hopes that Krause see a significant gain in weight after a weekend of "wine tasting" did not materialize. In another parallel universe the mass consumption of industrial grade grape juice and free cheese would've worked in my favor, but it is my unqualified opinion that his body has yet to acclimate to the Mojave's lower elevation resulting in weight loss. Frantically keeping pass with one of our favorite Vegas characters, the original Ole Girl, I expected Krause to fall off the wagon by week three. No luck. But it is Las Vegas and Krause has been know to implode at the hands of Lady Luck. If I'm ever to catch up with him on this challenge a fast acting stomach flu needs to take hold of my guttural region.

Unfortunately for yours truly the wife has requested my company at the Magic Kingdom during week four... two days of the happiest place on Earth. (So much fun on the horizon that bleeding from the face could only pull me away from Walt's pleasure palace.) Not to mention we'll be traveling through the same lonely desert that was the last known home of the Manson family and dietary options on par with a Long John Silver's grease trap. I have been considering an abbreviated fast over this coming week to at least make this competition look respectable, but then a mental video played in my head of me jumping out of the boat in "It's a Small World" and gnawing on happy hippo... the snozberries berries taste like snozberries!  

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I was a little surprised I made real progress this week, which included the afore mentioned, let's face it, wine "guzzling". This thing was a train wreck, complete with Vince Neil (guess rehab didn't take), a highly intoxicated Flava Flav, who couldn't be bothered to get off his cell phone while pouring DT-handed shots of his not completely awful Flav brand vodka, and 3 of the something like 30 P-Funk All Stars! Gene Anderson, of the P-Funk, by the way, was the highlight for me. His "sparking wine of the stars", Cham Poo Poo, was foul, no doubt, but the man himself...too cool for words! *Special thanks to my lovely partner in crime: Miss Jennifer Muñoz, affectionately referred to here as "ole girl", for putting up with me, during this 8+ hour bender (well shy of my 96 hour record, March Madness, name the year). That said, down to business. This week marked a dark day in the annals of JT's literarily documented journey. In the last 15 months, Jarvis was able to lose about 40 pounds of gut butter, he scaled Mount Charleston solo, he performed 420 pushups in under 50 minutes, he sat against a wall with no seat for over 5 minutes, and regained his man card by defeating the 300 Spartan workout in under 25 minutes. All the while, I never heard the word "can't", never sensed a resignation to potential failure. The mine remains open, not as an homage to the craftiness of it's owners in avoiding financial misfortune, but as a classic affirmation that some are not willing to pay the price for what needs to happen. I remember a time when the analogies being thrown about on this blog involved rubber bands, and how to get to Nelson with no GPS. How is it different in round 2?! The law of thermodynamics has not been debunked, as I am aware. We all have excuses; rarely do we have reasons. Wine tasting (guzzling), Disneyland, Thanksgiving, all speed bumps to be sure, but in the end, excuses. Reasons are positives: to live longer, to be a healthy influence on your family, to feel and look better, to boost your energy and self confidence, to silence the haters. If anything, you should be brimming with confidence having already done this once in the very recent past. I have no intention of living with excuses, or regrets, and I doubt you do either. Time to start dwelling on the reasons.
