Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I ain't no swine!

"Do as I say, not as I do, because I have done it already fool!"
                                                     -an excerpt from Achieving ODJ

As a member of Generation X I have seen, experienced and participated in the rise of the coddled ego. Insert your own examples of entitlement cliches. Getting called on the carpet for not getting things done is how changes are made; not by sofa sulking and sucking down a side of excuses. Excuses are why there are so many holes in modern belts and defense lawyers. Example of a recent conversation between the commander of crush and I.
    JBK: When was the last time you did a body fat test?
                      ...Need to monitor lean body mass.
    JT: I need to get on that... I'll report back.
    JBK: You know I mentioned this a while back...?
    JT: Yep. Just like my dentist mentioned flossing.
                      ...Slipping on both.
    JBK: Understandable on the flossing.
    JBK: You do what I say! Get on that.
    JT: Dayz a gett'n longer...
             Mass'r got me work'n...
                 Someday he set me free.
    JBK: Now you got the program!
For those just joining this blog, Jaron does not throw out exclamation points willy-nilly. Needless to say, I was in the gym the next morning logging my body fat and weight. See folks, even though Jaron and I are friends and contemporaries, he is an expert in his field and I ain't no swine. When pearls are cast before me, the ego is checked at the door and I get back on track to execute the plan set in place.

Post Script:
In time for beach and club scene season, the Shameless Commerce Division of NFJP is pleased to announce the arrival of our latest swag; The ODJ. Thanks you Jaron for modeling the tar sands black version. For a nominal fee you can have your very own... please contact us via the comment section for order details.

1 comment:

  1. Back of the shirt may be the crowning achievement of the design: "It's more of a mindset than a cult". Simple, but to the point. Ole JT is diligent in his workout routine, but sometimes needs a fire lit under his butt. The challenges are coming with less frequency. Always good to have something to work toward. There is at least one unofficial challenge in the works. I'll let Jarvis detail that one when he's ready, and he is NOT ready. Soon. And I will be handing out no participation ribbons any time soon. I do not, nor will I ever, condone rewarding mediocrity. The current batch of workouts are specifically designed for the year long goal of dunking a ball, but may actually be hindering his other more minor goals. I'll be back at the drawing board over the weekend devising new and evil strategies to address all current goals. Pray for JT.
