In all honesty, Jaron had talked up the pain points of this challenge enough that I had mentally and physically prepared for the :45 minutes of escalating misery. Like traveling rim to valley floor, going from 20, 19, 18, 17... 1 was actually easy. But those crazy hippie dirt people at the base of the Valley of Death must have stored a baby grand piano half way up the south rim. This is same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson Family! At 13 or 14 that darn Steinway dropped on my shoulder blades. The last 40 push ups were in a fog. My arms twitched like a plate of spaghetti on "bring your own epileptic to work" day at the Oliver Garden. Completion had all the trappings of near death teenage stunts; nervous sweat, colorful metaphors, and the customary "Don't tell mom!"
December 24, 2012, Challenge #4: 300 Workout
Weekly weigh in: 198.5
Lbs dropped since last weigh-in: 4
Total pounds dropped: 33.5
To hit 195: 2.6
Weeks to go: 1
Holy shitburgers! The last time I did that challenge I was a regular exerciser. As I admitted in the last blog, I have been as lazy as a trust fund baby these last several months. Ole JT may not have fully captured the shear depravity of this challenge. By all means, try this at home if you are.reading this thinking, "no biggie, 20-1, back to 20". This time, I about soiled myself. I predicted it would get brutal around 8 on the way back up, I was mistaken. The whole way up sucked, but around 14, I felt there was a strong probability that I would FAIL. The last 5 pushups on "20" may not have been more than a 3" movement, no where near 90 degrees at the elbow. I have to admit Jarvis did a better job on this challenge than I did. Credit the shitload of pushups in his stanky ass circuits I've had him doing for 2+ weeks. I was pumped to see the goose egg of last week has turned into some positive yardage! One week to go, smooth sailing...maybe. Again, I do not advocate carb cycling, though it is way better for you than the Adkins diet (which will destroy your kidneys, liver, and heart in short order), but Damn, it works, and safely so. If you have not watched the video included on JT's post, do! this 300 workout Jarvis will attempt Christmas Eve is no joke! It's a bitchslap to all other wanna be challenges to date. Once again, I pay homage to the "Fear and Loathing" reference rife throughout these blogs, this one in particular. Doctor Thompson was truly a rare creature. Gonzo, like much of JT's writing, especially should you follow the links on this blog and read some back logs of the "Chronicles of a Lost Southerner". Ten years of psychobabble without compare. Read it! Next week promises some fireworks, I'm led to believe. Stay tuned, because I am as in the dark as all of you...JT is staying quite tight lipped about the finale. Until then...