Saturday, November 17, 2012

Week Fifteen: Calamari and Cardio

One of the major changes to phase four of my program, Jaron added a fifth day of pure cardio that needed to be around :45 to :60 minutes. As previously mentioned last week, twenty minutes on the tread mill boarders on torture -- so doubling or tripling the time just about crushed me mentally. It was an easy decision to leave the climate controlled safety of Gold's Gym to hit the open sidewalks of north North Las Vegas.

I have a little running back ground to work from. Back in 2008, a previous company sponsored some of its reps to run in the Red Rock Marathon. There was no way I could complete the whole 26.2; I opted for the half. To prepare for the race my training consisted of four months of neighborhood running. So when Jaron threw out the extra long cardio day I just went back to my half marathon prep. The first run went really well, just a simple two laps around the two mile perimeter of my neighborhood. However this week's cardio day followed a work lunch that included fried calamari for an appetizer. BAD IDEA!

Those sneaky little bastards waited until I was at the furthest distance from the casa to drop a massive gut bomb on me. Imagine having to throw up in a crowded mall with all the trash cans strategically located at another mall, in another city. Don't worry, I am not the puking type of guy... the last and only time I lost my lunch was in college after eating a crappy burrito with a chaser of crappier vodka. This time it was more of the horrible walk of shame having to wear the mask of agony. Dry heaves are worse than 3-D burps. If it was not socially frowned upon, I nearly flagged down the elementary school bus to hick a ride back to the gate.

Man, I was really worried one of the talkative retirees would see me zombie footing it down the street. Hindsight being void of near projectile vomit, I would've ignored a burning house and any tortured pleas, for the safety of my downstairs bathroom. Now that my gut is back to iron clad status, it might have benefited me to upchuck a bit since my stats this week dropped a big goose egg.

Weekly weigh in: 202.5
Lbs dropped since last weigh-in: 0
Total pounds dropped: 29.5
To hit 195: 7.5
Weeks to go: 2

1 comment:

  1. What once seemed a veritable certainty, is now eerily in doubt. ZERO?! These last two weeks may have to include some diuretics and a trip to the colonic clinic! Especially considering that this week includes the mother of all cheat days. Buy some Fiber-Con, buddy, it's about to get ugly! I'll spare our oddly international audience the nitty gritty of the nutritional tricks I am gonna impart on ole JT this week, only know that it will not be textbook, and may spur a Holiday edition of The Blog filled with vitriol. This weekend I will be in Las Vegas. Jarvis and I will be attending two Rebel home games Friday and Saturday. I bought the tickets, hoping that was not premature. For my part, I am dreading one element of the trip: I, possibly unwisely, committed to accompanying JT on the week 16 challenge: 20! PUSHUPS Valley of Death. Too late to back out? "I immediately regret this decision."
