The data has been entered into MyFitnessPal via the smart phone and my expert trainer is in his secret layer crunching the stats...
I should probably hasthag a few of these key words, one never knows when the Twitter might go big. My Golds Gym membership is in full effect to maximize the pain and discomfort. A discomfort brought on by the under appreciated, yet very important stabiliser muscles. A grown man should have a higher pain tolerance, and avoid screaming like a co-ed in some 1980's slasher movie when attempting to sit down at the dinner table. Top goal for week two: more Icy Hot!

Monday, August 13th begins the 16 week portion control, low carb, no soda having, calorie counting, comfort food sanctions. I will be rocking at the feed bag at 1800-2000 calories per day, with the goal for five days a week dropping 1000 of their friends via the tread mill or in the ole concrete pond, then on Saturday running like I'm Forest Gump.
I sure hope the Sabbath is kind to a brother!
Weekly weigh in: 226.4
Lbs dropped this week: 5.5
To hit 195: 31.5
Weeks to go: 16
Outstanding week 1! Well, officially week zero. Either way, to drop 5.5 lbs without a dramatic shift in calorie intake...that's huge. I suspect the lion's share came from water, but that "discomfort" is allowing you to burn 5-10% more calories per hour than normal, even while you sleep! Which means, as your body adjusts to the new regimen, and metabolic shift, your water weight will stabilize, your PMS should go away, and you should fall in line with an average 2-3 pounds a week of pure fat loss. And at that pace, you should arrive at Destination 195...a few days to a week early! Also, to clarify, I do not advocate "low carb", I advocate "low A&W".