Like all meaningless endeavors, a banner must be flown with serious effort given to a solid mission statement, 6 Sigma optimization, and frizzle dizzle. For the next sixteen weeks... give or take a few holidays, the birth of our third child, and the siren's call of that degenerate spawn of Satan known to western civilization as All-U-Can-Eat sushi, I will fly the flag of DESTINATION 195!
With the help of my dear old Texas brother from another mother, Jaron "JBK" Krause, I will embark on a journey of starvation, caloric depression, and swampy socks slopping through the valley of the land that comfort food forgot.

Shave 37 pounds in 16 weeks for no reason other than seeing that ditch and double dog daring your buddy to bunny-hop it on his older brother's Schwinn Scrambler with the banana seat.
I love you chocolate covered raisins! I will see you in December... Give my warm regards to the 24 pack of A&W root beer and the 100th year commemorative bag of Golden Oreo Fudge Covered Cookies with Birthday Cake Creme.
What may have started as a mild mannered ribbing of a former teammate and the "married man weight" he's put on, has turned into BLOG 2.0? Lucky for Jarvis, he already had this blogsite set up from the last time he failed in 2009! I will see this site torn to the ground after Thanksgiving, as it will no longer serve a purpose beyond nostalgia. If BLOG 3.0 is revived in 2015, I will not be a part of it! From one former fatboy to another, "this time it sticks"!