Friday, July 17, 2009

The Scope

Easy-E and I have decided to make this a no-holds-barred challenge… This will be the equivalent of the SNL skit “All Drug Olympics.” Our only exception is, if the winner dies within one month of the weigh-in, their body will be interred in a full maternity dress and the family’s name forever shamed for the disgrace of one.

The rules are simple; lose as much weight in 16 weeks, talk as much trash possible, and stay off the Malaysian Health Authority’s Top 10 most wanted list. Everything else is fair in love and war.

Unfortunate for me, moral and religious standards have removed an all cigarette and coffee diet as some have suggested. Unfortunate for Easy-E, he is a cop… Loves him some donuts and bear claws!

Please stay tuned to the posting of our official weigh-in and before photos (Easy-E is not pregnant, just retaining water).


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