Thursday, July 23, 2009


My father and stepmother were in town for a convention this past week, which was great for them to see the kids and have some bounding time. However, I was sweating bullets when pops asked to go to breakfast yesterday… Now we Marlow’s loves some good old greasy belly fuel. So when he suggested Denny’s, my collective will power ran screaming down my rubber arm. Luckily they had a healthy choice selection with egg whites and turkey bacon, it was shaping up to be Kate Moss / Pete Doherty reunion.

As we were getting ready to leave the home of the Grand Slam my dad starts popping this medley of pills. Come to find out, a few weeks back the family M.D. informed our patriarch he was Type II diabetic. Great! My grandfather passed away because of undiagnosed diabetes, and now his son has it… This is one family heirloom I’m not accepting. Freaking Little Debbie snack cakes are killing the clane!

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