In 2013 I failed two challenges; "6-minute Treadmill Mile" and "20/15/4 Slow Grind." For those just joining our happy parade of fitness, the "6-minute Treadmill Mile" was a pretty simple challenge on paper -- run at a 10 miles per hour pace for six minutes. The combination of my 200 plus pound structure and my gym's loosely regulated maintenance schedule for the treadmill I threw in the towel rather quickly.
Unlike the 6-minute challenge, the "20/15/4 Slow Grind" became the hangnail in my work out routine for months. 20 minutes on the treadmill at a 15% incline at a 4 miles per hour pace, and with no hand holding the sissy bar. Conceptwise the challenge seemed to have a process based formula for achievement; start with the 20 minutes and 15% incline each time, set a minimum miles per hour (3.2 was the base line) and then each week notch up the miles per hour. Unfortunately for me, once I reached 3.5 my heart rate spiked to VO2 levels (a.k.a. the maximal aerobic capacity). For every tenth of a mile per hour I increased the less I could handle the incline. At 3.5 I could make the 20 minutes with an average heart rate of 140. At 3.6 I made the entire 20 minutes three times (out of 25 attempts) with an average heart rate of 165. At 4.0 I was only able to make 4 minutes one time maxing out my heart rate in the 175-180 range. Epic fail!
2014 is going to see double if not triple the number of failures now that Jaron is in the same area code. I don't get to accept failures, they don't need my validation. This ain't about a score card, number of ribbons, times dropped, or mudders completed... we pick up heavy weights and put heavy weights down a whole bunch of times.
Post script... Jaron is kicking my butt!
Jaron: 190.1 & 17.3%
Me: 220.5 & 20.3%