In preparation for round deuce of the
Spartan 300 Workout, the mad genius of the Wasatch Range just emailed me hypertrophy phase three (aka, 300 prep!). Now I did not cry at the gym when the stopwatch read 33 minutes and some change after the first 300 challenge. I did not cry on the stretching floor when the psycho of Sandy, Utah agreed to the Valley of Death, 20! Push-up challenge, which nearly left me paralyzed from the pectorals up. I did not cry in the cardio area when I realized the treadmill 6-minute mile was a freaking Trojan Horse. So I ain't about to start tearing up when Monday arrives.
I neb'r said nutt'n bout da car though! Thank goodness for tinted windows. Here is a preview of this phase's 300 prep sets...
50 push ups, 5 sets.
Kettle bell clean & press, 25 per arm, 3 sets.
24" box jumps, 10 reps, 5 sets.
Floor wipers while bench pressing 135lbs, 20 reps, 4 sets.
Pull ups with a 25lb weight belt, 5 sets, each set to failure
. Nearly soiled the draws when I read that one!

This is just the round robin mixture of 300 prep goodies. I still have other exercises, some of which are fitness equivalents to sand in the Speedo. Such as 25lb back extensions and dumb bell incline press. And then there is the reverse people watcher; wall sits with a 45lbs plate over head. This will continue to high light my tourettes laden, pain distraction technique...
monkey-waffle-grape soda. Curse carnivals. RYAN SEACREST IS SATAN!!!
After getting slapped around at the buffet of insanity, then comes the real work out -- INTERVALS! Slap on a heart monitor and program Pandora to 1990's techno,
cuz its bout to get all crazy up in here! Spike heart rate over 160bpm (beats per minute) for sixty seconds. Then slow way down to let the heart rate get to 125bpm (this is known as active recovery). As soon as the old ticker's rpm touches 125, spike it back up to 160bpm. Repeat for twenty minutes! I might need a rash guard, because interval training has caused greater men to crawl out on their bellies.
Intervals! I don't know what ole JT is complaining about. This is the relief many training clients dream of. Rest intervals built nice. It breaks up the mundane, idiosyncratic monotony of solid state cardio. His judgment of the rest of the program is entirely justified. Hammer dropped! Bitch slap received! Full disclosure, I test pilot all the exercises I give JT. I know how insane this shit is. I give it to him regardless. This round is a bit unforgiving, as is the 300. Round 2, need a vast improvement. Only way this is going to happen, practice. This 300 is like getting kicked in the nuts while some douchebag smiles at you and makes momma jokes at your exspense! That ain't right. Pain is temporary, glory is eternal, chicks dig scars!