The wife and I decided to take the kids to a wonderful outdoor Christmas pageant in our old neighborhood. Even though Las Vegas is one massive suburban orb with a vein of Sodom and Gomorrah running through the middle, we Lost Vegans are slaves to convenience. Heck, the valley is only 40 miles tip to stern, but traveling to the south side is likened to taking a trip to California. We were not about to squander our mini-Griswold staycation; off to our favorite pizza haunt, Nikki Lee's. Two pieces of greasy cheese pie and two colon killing loaded potato skins later, this former fat guy entered a confused state of nirvana and irritable bowel remorse.
After downloading the weeks results with Jaron, I mentioned in passing the "bastard on Father's Day" paradox from the recent reward meal. His all to experienced wisdom (via text message) gave me wonderful perspective:
Me: I had my first real reward meal. Nearly puked... Certain things need to stay in the past.
Jaron: Amen. Still love me some greasy pizza thought!
Me: 2 pieces of pizza and 2 potato skins... Nearly lost it on the ride home.
Jaron: Your constitution can't handle the fat.

Objects in motion tend to stay in motion, or something of the like. Newton was a wise man. Stands to reason that when ole JT shifted gears for the first time in four months, the clutch didn't want to go in. But, had he cheated once a week, as allowed, this surly would not have happened. Perhaps in the end, it worked out better this way: first indulgence results in gastric convulsions. Negative reinforcement, best form! Probably why I would be a questionable parent at best. I took too long to respond to this blog, and as such I have some early insight to the next blog entry: 300...