Friday, August 24, 2018

Cleanse the mind, the body, and the sol…ar plexus

The food challenge enters a new phase: The Cleanse. Two plus months of bacon, beef, cheese, peanut butter, and then more cheese on top for good measure -- all of which has created a back log on the plop-plop production line. Keto clog is fo real and not to be taken lightly. (Animal grunting in the stalls attracts unwanted attention.) It is time for a change. And the change is coming. But first, my system needs a flush. Detox the intestines before introducing a diet void of animal flesh or animal byproducts. One month of eating the food my food eats. Vegetarian. Hurts to write that word in direct connection to my dream lifestyle. It is the Voldemort of food consumption. Diet-That-Must-Not-Be-Mentioned -Or-Maintained.

Image result for solar plexus artBefore the redirection, I have been advised by Jaron to begin the transition from Keto to Veto with a five day cleanse. Lukewarm saltwater as soon as I wake, then a full frontal assault on my gut with the ubiquitous lemon water, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup witch’s brew known as the Master Cleanse.

Thank goodness for the remaining 20 pounds of blubber to provide sustenance. A cleanse constitutes 55 calories for every 8oz of brew. What the freak am I getting myself into!?! Bacon is good. Broccoli is blah. 55 calories is a joke. I consume a dozen calories dreaming about dessert. There will be more calories burnt shuffling between urinals and the porcelain thrown. Sleep is the only escape, and I am not above wearing incontinence briefs to give the bladder and bowels a fighting chance through a fourteen hour night of sleep.    

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