The official weigh in for the Summer of ODJ Challenge. There it is, presented
for all gluttony. That is 1/8th quarter ton for the people following
along with the fuzzy math edition. A new high point. Shattering the previous 2012
starting point by seventeen pounds!
my starting weight is very important for Jaron and me. We do little in our friendship
that is not in the name of shame. Motivation by embarrassment is the Joel Olsteen
of ODJ. The preposterous prosperous gospel is giving us lazy slobs a get out of
self-loathing jail card, and it sure as heck ain’t shedding no pounds. I have
to go with extra strength negative reinforcement ---- Peer pressure is for youngsters.
And prizes are for the sheeple. But shame is for the hardened, nothing to lose
weak stomachs in the slaughter house.
Let us forego the preamble of altruism. This weight loss journey has no noble ground to stand on. It's cutthroat narcissism and pride that will determine the outcome this go-around! Ole JT, for good or ill, is not a vain person, but he is damn well proud! This competition will draw out of him what I, on my best day as a trainer, could never hope to. Determination to clown on potentially multiple ops managers and admin assistants...that's what motivates our hero! The starting weight is both frightening and exciting to me in even measures. I too, am a fat slob, currently, 214.4 for the record. I depend on his vigor to drive me. I'm a trainer plagued with laziness and disdain. Sorry combination, to be sure. Challenges motivate us both. Let the games begin...!