Monday, February 8, 2016

Hypertrophy Horizontal Loading - Phase 2

This ain't cereal! Jaron does not permit soggy. As soon as my body gets comfortable... a more accurate statement; when my body no longer feels like a battlefield of pain points he drops a new set of craziness. Moss gets annoyed on a roll'n boulder.
As a child I would take little wax and rub it across an ant trail. Them little solider boys in the back get all scrambled. That is what gym-ruts experience when Jaron and I are on a religious "4 in 3" rotation. Four different work outs in a three day week. The Arian Nation delegates at our gym only subscribe to chest and arm work outs. And heaven forbid our Core & Shoulder day lands on a Monday. We use the bench press for roll ups because the weight bar allows for stability. You would've thought we set fire to the fabric of the universe. You fools might be our color, but you can't bring your sideshow act to the bench on Mondays!!! 
Horizontal loading 5 sets of 5 with :60 seconds of rest
Folllowed by :20 - :30 minutes of slow grind cardio

Chest & Triceps
Decline Press dumb bells – 55-65 lbs
Incline Press dumb bells – 55 lbs
Bosu pushups – military narrow hands 10 reps
Tricep extension – Hammer Strength 60 lbs

Single leg press – machine – 105 lbs
Smith machine sitting squat – 135-150 lbs
Pee Wee Herman Lunges dumb bells – 25 lbs
Donkey Calf – 165 lbs

Back & Biceps
Underhand pullups – body weight or machine assisted 70-55 lbs
Rows - seated overhand wide grip – 90-100 lbs
Preacher curls – machine – 60 lbs
Standing cable curls – rope with turnout – 80 lbs

Core & Shoulders
Military press – machine – 80 lbs
Revers Flys – machine – 115-135 lbs
Lateral raises – dumb bells – 20-27.5 lbs
Bench roll ups – bench press bar – 20 reps
Stability ball plank rollouts – 12 reps


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