my only friend,
the end...It hurts to set you free.
- The Doors
"Blogpocalypse is nigh! 235! Square one! I am, apparently, a scarce few tenths of a pound from comprehensive trainer failure, and, from pulling the plug on this journalistic juggernaut that is limping along on life support." - Jaron, July 2015
"I will see this site torn to the ground after Thanksgiving, as it will no longer serve a purpose beyond nostalgia. If BLOG 3.0 is revived in 2015, I will not be a part of it! From one former fatboy to another, this time it sticks!" - Jaron, August 2012
The West is the best, but this ride's gotta end before reaching the coast! Jaron is a man of his word, and I am a man of little loyalty to my weight plan. He set the point of no return, and as a good disciple to the pied piper of pain we are O-U-T! And so, Blogpocalypse occurred at 6:06 a.m. on Friday, February 19, 2016. The official scales read 235.2. The End... Over 100 post from August 2012 to present day, and nothing to show for it. The American Dream alludes.
Within the Hypocritical Oath of ODJ a passage reads; "Do as the ODJ says, not as the ODJ blatantly flaunts in your face." When Jaron gains weight, it is not acceptable to gain along side. This fat guy doesn't need sympathy from the herd; I need an unhealthy amount of fat shaming.
I have enjoyed documenting the past 40 months of weight loss, weight gain, and the occasional opine on the subcultures of gym life. Don't fret our loyal followers, we will be fine. Our word-smithing will never go fallow. We have been texting like twenty-something hipsters since the days of Startac numpadding. The QWERTY keyboard was but a glimmer in the eye of Blackberry when we were producing rapid fire twenty-first century Gonzo. And if that is not enough comfort for those who care; Jaron and I can now give more time and attention to the long rumored, but not yet titled sequel to Achieving ODJ.
In the inspiring words of Randy Dupree... Stay loose. Stay liquid. Laugh a lot. Stay nimble till you get the call from the mother ship.
In the inspiring words of Randy Dupree... Stay loose. Stay liquid. Laugh a lot. Stay nimble till you get the call from the mother ship.