“His cathedral is enough for him. It was peopled with marble figures of kings, saints and bishops who at least did not laugh in his face and looked at him with only tranquillity and benevolence. The other statues, those of monsters and demons, had no hatred for him – he resembled them too closely for that. It was rather the rest of mankind that they jeered at.” ― Victor Hugo, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
The magic juice flows.
The purple people grows.
Thru the little hole in the arm,
Goes the magic juice of harm.
The gym is an amazing place for people-watching. But it's important to master the art of multiple mirror gazing if you decide to make this an avenue for dealing with a workout's mental time suck. Key point to remember, if you can see the persons eyes they can see yours. And if they've perfected the reverse triangulation technique your duck blind will be exposed.
Multiple mirror gazing is most commonly used to check out hot chicks and abnormally huge dudes. The chicks are accustomed to an awkwardly long peep from men and or jealous women, but the abnormally huge dudes get paranoid when common folk stare to long... It's a Quasimodo trigger, and one of the many side effects to steroid use. (Not really. But who cares? My observations are backed by Dr. Frankenstein himself.)
During one of our many training sessions I turned to Jaron and asked what it would take for me to be huge and ripped liked one of the knuckle draggers. "Steroids!" So simple. Yet so profound of a plural. I'll leave the physiological break down for the professional... he has the iron stomach to tackle purple skin and back acne. SNAIL TRAIL! To make a long story even longer; Jaron said with my body type the best I could achieve is a Matthew McConaughey body in Sahara. A reachable goal if I kept things au naturel. Followed by his favorite McConaughey quote as David Wooderson in Dazed and Confused; "I keep getting older and they stay the same age."