Friday, September 6, 2013

I did not order the one free lobotomy with my gym membership.

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.

Well, well, well the book-end of summer has come and gone... For our Uncle Sam readers, I hope Labor Day weekend went swimmingly. It is great to be back on the blog train after a brief summer break. My Labor Day weekend was great; thanks for asking. I grabbed a plate of seared beast of burden flesh to celebrate a much needed day of rest for the undocumented Mexi-mericans and Far East carpal tunnel class. Personally, I don't know anyone who actually meets the standards of the original laborer, so I celebrated the people keeping my HOA happy, assembling the kid's toys, and the herd of agriculture workers picking and preparing my grocery.

In addition to a weekend of laboring, I started a new day job this past week. It's a dream sales job with an amazing company. However, the telecom folks decided to set me up with a Steve Jobs' special. Prior to the shotgun conversion, my professional Äppärät has been the Blackberry; a functional work horse! In the gym it supplied uninterrupted Pandora interweb radio. For over a year the world within the gym has been a mere visual pleasure set to a soundtrack of random streams of audio goodness. So when I turned in the berry for the chic iLame it never occurred to me to get corporate green-light for adding streaming audio goodness. Telecom approval still pending as of press time.

For the past few days in the gym I have had the pleasure of adding people hearing to my work out regiment. Man there are some moooorrrr'ons on this planet. The Great One in the sky made a good decision to make breathing and cardio function involuntary, which is fully validated on the floor of the free weight area of my gym. I am thinking about going in tomorrow with cotton balls in my ears. These knuckle draggers could actually cause verbal induced Alzheimer's. Worse, I feel like Joel Barish in Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind... hearing the meat head's communicate is like machine gunning lacunar amnesia darts in my brain bucket. So don't be surprised if the police come across a scruffy faced middle-aged man negotiating a truce to the cola wars in 7-Eleven only wearing a Flamingo bathrobe and Fiesso white patent leather low-tops if the telecom stiffs deny my request for a Pandora app.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my hell! Welcome to my purgatory. I dwell within the walls, 10 hours some days, without the option of drowning out the wail-song of the knuckle dragging lunk with my personalized soundtrack, courtesy of Pandora, or Songza, or the like. And that's only the intro track to the unfiltered gym playlist. Other popular tracks include: "dude, what do you do for your calves?", "you mind if I work in, bro?", "how much you benching these days?", and my personal favorite "you know that chick?"
    Sorry to hear they hooked you up with an iPhone rather than a smart phone. That Siri is duller than most of my college Trivial Pursuit opponents. Yes, good readers, that's what we call an inside joke, and no, I won't elaborate (but trust me, it's funny).
    So I'm back in the motherland, the den of iniquity, sin city...Vegas. Home sweet home. How I've missed thee. There is no way to adequately describe the elation I feel to be unencumbered by the moral Gestapo that is Utah. Good to be back in the U S of A.
