Saturday, September 19, 2009

Don't Define Me!

Over the past two months of changing my nutrition and exercise life I have come to understand the difference between lethargy, sloth, and apathy. Living off ten strong years as an athlete, it was my apathy toward eating right that prevented me from keeping the weight off. Fortunately, I confirmed sloth only stopped by for infrequent visits during Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons. What killed me was lethargic behaviors; first blaming my lack of motivation on the summer heat or the short winter daylight, then using brain drain from graduate studies to take an average of 25 weeks off every year.

I have given in… I’m a swimmer for life. More importantly, when I train above casual swimming there has to be a meet to shoot for. Exercising for health sake is great, but for me, too many demos of the lazy-excuse sort seem to haunt me. It’s not about being a high school has been, rather a solid means to a successful end; long life and health to the end.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Solo Stationary Bike Sing Along

Spin class has become this decade’s equivalent to the arena rock concert sing along. You know the part in the show when the lead singer sticks the microphone out in the universal signal to get your whaling chorus on.

Sitting on my uncomfortable stationary bike this morning, the instructor had the freaking nerve to demand crowd participation during a horrendous remix of the timeless wedding line-dance, YMCA. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?

I’m paying good money each month to have some fruit loop bark at me to drop him some spirit fingers. I’m a man in mid-thigh bike shorts, shaved legs, sweating like a pig at a BBQ, and sporting a light blue bandana. To say the least, I'm having gender issues at this stage of the workout. Dis guy not do'n spirit fingers at half past absurdly early.

A note to all you fitness instructors and wood-be front men; if you want me to sing, pay my admission and I’ll sing like a spring canary. Until then, shut up and let me get my hurt on!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Before Shot

The camera adds an extra 100 pounds...

Worried that I would not loose any weight, there was a possibility that pictures from the weigh in would stay unpublished. However, since I have lost 15 L-B's so far I feel ok with putting or 'before" shots on the WWW...

I can't speak for Easy, which from what I hear from my Northern Nevada brethren, he is securing stock in Taco Bell and part owner of an all you can eat sushi joint in Bend, Oregon. Not saying that I got this wrapped up, but since its a contest between an old Rebel Men teammate... I gots this one!!!
It is my hope that Easy makes this thing interesting and comes through with a surprise liposuction or possibly a Tijuana gut amputation. Either way, I will confident that my Pacific Northwest brother will be wearing a beautiful maternity dress on our Vegas evening out before the 5th annual Silverman Triathlon.