Destination 195 is officially rebooted. The hashtag will be #D195-3.0 for those following The ODJ on his Twitter @The_ODJ or those on the open road can catch updates via our CB radio handle Psycho Billy Cadillac. Everyone else is invited to continue checking in on this circus blog.
In reality Body by ODJ calls for stability every six months. As Jaron preaches; "You have to reintroduce your new body to your old mind every so often." I'll leave the science to the professional
(check out his comment.) Unlike 2012, this go around of "back to the basics" workouts include Jaron in town. It's nice to have him walk me through each exercise for proper form and weight selection. I am able to ramp up form and technique quicker with his coaching. However, this go around uncovered a massive miscommunication from 2012... 4-2-1.
The first official morning back felt good; I had recently bought my ticket for the wagon, the diet train was firing up, and Jaron had a formal workout on paper to keep us honest. That honeymoon sure went sour quick. Each rep in stability is done in a 4-2-1 pattern. 4 count down, 2 count hold at top, and a 1 count to get to the top. OH. M. GOODNIGHT!!! This might be first world pain, but it is brain aneurysm in the near future pain. Here comes night sweats and the fear.
4-2-1 is the devil spawn! Better men have fallen victim to it's deferential sadism. The body is designed to overcome gravity, not succumb to it. Emphasizing the negative aspect of exercise is counterintuitive. It causes more muscular breakdown. Which, in turn, causes more muscular distress in the days to follow. Make no mistake, this phase is miserable. Balance is a factor of how well your brain communicates with your muscles. It is what we refer to as proprioception. When I was a kid, I was a pretty good skater. I could do all manner of tricks on a skateboard. A few years ago, I was at a friend's house, and his son had his skateboard in the driveway. I tried to ride it, and nearly broke my neck. Muscle memory be damned. My brain sent instructions to my muscles, those of a 12 year old me. My 38 year old muscles didn't understand the instructions. It was like putting together that sweet IKEA bookshelf with the Swedish instructions. Game over. A kickstart was needed, given Ole JT's Nostradamic fall from grace. Colonel Sanders and Cap'n Crunch are apparently winning the war, with Little Debbie manning the infirmary. Sometimes Plan B is the only course.