"As a young lad of influential age, I was counselled to live by three rules... Get eight hours of sleep. Real men don't wear pink. And summer muscles are made in the winter." -- Achieving ODJ

As stated in the last post, we had to clear up a matter of contention surrounding concentration curls. Long story short, my poor technique inflated my weight selection. To the excitement of Jaron, who held his composure, but admittedly felt concern over the possibility of a large gulf in bicep curl weight, we are still equals in the right arm. However, I am taking a 5lbs leap for my left. Jaron quickly resolved my look of confusion over the difference in weight. "You carry around babies!" He went on to state; "We're right-handers. We carry all the bulk in the left hand so the skilled operations are handled with the right." But I'm still not sure I believe his theory... he is strong in both arms. I guess some mysteries are not meant to be solved. Maybe we'll tackle that one in 2015.
To all our loyal readers who read in spite of our dribble, and to my partner in pain who writes with me in spite of our audience, I wish everyone a Happy New Year. May your resolutions make it past MLK Day. I end another great year of snark and self-deprecating humor with this quote: "Don't blame the holidays. You were fat in August!"
Chest & Triceps
Incline press - Hammer Strength 105lbs/side
Decline press - Hammer Strength 125lbs/side
Tricep press - machine 230lbs
Chest Fly - machine 2 arms 190lbs
Back & Biceps
Pull ups - overhand grip
One arm rows - Hammer Strength 135lbs
Concentration curs 30lbs
Bent over one arm DB rows 65lbs
Leg press - weighted sled 540 + sled
18" box step ups with DB Two 40's
Front squats on Smith Machine 135lbs
Donkey Calf 135lbs