The set is a pretty straight forward; 20-minutes, max the incline of your tread mill (15% for the fine Gold's Gym stock) and then pump the MPH up to a paint drying speed of 4.0 miles per hour. Bad Water flat land 4.0 mph for yours truly is a brisk mall walk pace, or the George Clinton House of Blues quick step as Jaron and I like to call it. In my mind I was preparing to cry ODJ foul on my man for going on the weak. Then I attempted the set. Holy Helens! Even though I was taking :30 second breaks ever three minutes and rocking at a 3.5 mph speed, Mick threw in the towel at 13:15 after the smelling salts proved ineffective. A man's heart beat should never look like a subwoofer dropping DJ Magic Mike's bass test.
Slowing down the speed and increasing the incline is the wave of the future for this former fat guy. I have found my new challenge... survive 20 minutes of 15% incline at 4.0mph with no breaks.
To be continued...