15 weeks to go before my 1500 meter
freestyle. (Short course meters for the technical types.) I have taken four
pounds off in two weeks… 227. There are 28 more pounds to go. I can race at
210, but it won’t be easy to go under 17:40.00 unless I am closer to my goal.
Chop wood, carry water. During this run for 195 pounds has seen me swimming more
than past challenges. Four days per week in the water, with gym time two days.
If my schedule permits I take a lunch or two per week to put in 30-minutes of
cardio. Jaron and I have been regular gym rats since early spring, and neither
one of us enjoy coming to the gym above and beyond the wonderful banter we provide
each other. But there is a point when new material runs slim, and we are not
fans of recycling anything other than cans and bottles; so we have been forced
to look outward across the gym for humor. The birth of the nickname backstory.

Don’t judge us! I am well aware people of
all shapes, sizes, colors, and creeds enjoy creating fictitious backstories of
characters on reality’s stage. Jaron and I nickname people just in case they
are decoying us with silent ear buds to eavesdrop on our clever conversation
skills. Backstory authoring at the gym is gold -- repetitive behavior,
consistent attendance, and a wealth of odd. Our fellow muses have yet to
disappoint. To protect our content the nicknames of the cast is all that will
be provided at this point:
Aryan Brotherhood
Alumni Association
40-year old stripper
Wife beaters (the white tanktop undershirt)
Bernie Sander’s accountant brother
Sling Blade
Gandpa’s Happy Blue Ball
Tennis pro
1982 Mr. Olympia regional finalist
Volleyball twins
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