Krause: 193.6 lbs, 17.9%
Me: 218.3 lbs, 20.3%
Disneyland was two days of ten hour slow grinds, burning calories one step at a time in the line for Its a Small World. Keeping a thin thread of sanity was the only thing I accomplished. As expect, my Old Testament rituals went unanswered -- instead of notching up a few pounds, the dietary deities blessed Krause with the stomach flu, trimming more off his mark. I have a chance to make significant gains over the next two weeks; Krause is a sucker for Thanksgiving and his good buddy from Australia is arriving in Vegas for a 36 hour bender post Black Friday. Please let the outbackers bring some good old excessive calorie consumption.
Post script:
It has been brought to our attention by some loyal No Fat Jokes Please readers that our naming convention for Kraus and I can be confusing at times. The following are the most common nicknames we will answer to:
Jarvis, aka: Marlow, Yours Truly, "J", and my inbred name "JT".
Jaron, aka: Krause, JBK, Kraustian, Professor of Pain, Doctor of Fitness Funk, Maestro of Muscle Ache, Minister of Misery, Prognosticator of Possibility, Mayor of Hurt Town, Dr. Frankenstein, Prodigal Son Returns, and THE ODJ!
How the hell does a brother from the South have so few nicknames compared to my Apollo Creed like bevy?! "...are you sure you got enough nicknames?" I fear two went left wanting, though: J muthaf...king T, and pour moi, Cedric Washington. There was a reconning, not so long ago, in my cell phone, where I discovered I had 4 individual entries for ole JT: "Jarvis, Marlow, Ole JT, and J muthaf...king T" How my phone dealt with this redundancy for incoming texts/calls, I'll never know. As for Cedric, I plea the 5th, and expect that our loyal blog followers will accept, as always, that there are gonna be some inside jokes that go unspoken. For the sake of your sanity, I'll just say: alter ego, not white, I drink. The details of my "stomach flu" have been wildly exaggerated in this forum. It was a garden variety cold, albeit a fairly ill tempered one. Zero workouts this week, but a fair amount of gastric distress and dehydration, I think. God help me next week, though. Thanksgiving is rarely kind to my waistline, and the reunion with my Aussie kinfolk will undoubtedly be my undoing! I foresee an epic 36 hour bender, complete with an obligatory food based Vegas-Strip style caloric indecency. Potentially a two week setback, and open door for Ole JT. But will he step through it...?