Friday, January 31, 2020

Stars & Bars

I needed a fresh distraction while on swimming hiatus. Food had done an exceptional job through the holidays. So much so I spent most of my waking hours considering which healthy foods to avoid. Unfortunately, after a few weeks the glutton grew the waist so rapidly that the seams of my stretchy pants resembled bow strings. Ready. Aim. FIRE!

With three months until I return to the water, and no leeway in my britches, I had to find a fix. Purchasing new clothing was not an option, (out of principle and lack of approval from the ole lady.) Sure wish the corporate world took in consideration alternative dress codes, such as those one might find at a dotcom startup. Basketball shorts and Adidas sliders. (Shirts optional.)

Back to the gym, I guess.

Then out of nowhere the mass marketing gods sent me an email offer. Six weeks for $99. Join us at any Tough Mudder Bootcamp location near YOU!

Deal! Signed up the next day.

I liken TMB’s training philosophy to adults attempting mutated Presidential Fitness Test exercises amongst a middle school girls basketball game… lots of cheering, dance music, matted hair, high fives, ten-inch vertical jumps, and full body convulsion at the chin-up bar.

Who would’ve thought at forty-something I would wake at 4:30 in the morning to sweat like a pig at a barbeque and slap hands with complete strangers just for a gold star on a poster board.