I may not get to see you as often as I like.
I may not get to hold you in my hands all through the night.
But deep in my heart I truly know, you’re the one
That I love, and can’t let you go.
-- A poem from my junk food.
One of the unhealthiest aspects of any long distance relationship is the follies of the last days before departing from one another’s arms. Attempting to squeeze in an entire relationship. Happiness, sorrows, fights, make-ups, doubts, commitments, and resolve to be there. Planes, trains, or cars separate the lovers with the ease of the western winds. Until they meet again.
How I
wish my long distance relationship was a little further than the couch to the
pantry. I prepare for a weight loss contest with reckless abandonment… lines of
glutton off the countertop and shots of gravy at two o’clock in the afternoon. Not
to mention the night terrors over the reoccurring nightmare of walking through
the grocery store snack isle with only raw kale and empty Little Debbie boxes. NOOOOOOOO!!!