"If this was an art show we'd call it Sleepwalking Through Life: a series of marginal decisions. There is little doubt the artist is from another planet; merely hitching a ride on our interstellar freighter."
It takes little math or Wal-Mart focus group mental horsepower to realize I have become the dead weight on the contest, which I shall spare the readership my "I already got the cow and the milk" excuses. Attention needs to stay on Jaron! He will hit his personal goal, and our female followers are not going to be disappointed with the April 1st photo of our Guru of Gainzzz. Even though he enjoys word-smithing a wonderful response to my drivel, I hope he gives our audience a look behind the curtain of his program. There are few soon-to-be 40 year olds who get in this kind of shape for a commoditized birthday and a yearly beach vacation. Vanity shall arrest!